Do you live in Sun City SC and are in need of a pet sitter or dog walker? Love and Kisses Pet Sitting is taking new clients that live in the Sun City area. Love and Kisses Pet Sitting has been in business since 2006 caring for our client’s pets. We care for Dogs, Cats, birds, and any other domestic pets. We are fully insured and bonded for your protection.
Love and Kisses Pet Sitting has the #1 pet sitters working for them and all the sitters are background checked. They are “employees” NOT ‘Independent contractors”. This is a very important feature when you are hiring a pet sitter. Our employees are trained and most have been with us since day 1. The sitters love what they do and they do it for a living, not a hobby.
So if you are looking for a professional pet sitter, cat sitter or dog walker, do your homework and hire a company that trains their employees. A company that has back up pet sitters program in place just in case something happens to the primary pet sitter.
We’re proud to offer our Cat Sitting, Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Services to the Sun City Carolina Lakes Area just outside of Charlotte NC off 521. We are awaiting your inquiries to our pet sitting services.
Love and Kisses Pet Sitting is a PURRRR FECT match for your cat sitting needs and a Paws A Tive company to hire when you need the best care for your pets. Book your FREE meet and greet today