We are always hearing about pet food recalls and I wanted to share with you as a pet sitter in Indian Trail NC that you need be aware of these recalls. It is so important these day because there are so many. It seems like a weekly thing lately. So I give to you this link ( on bottom of the page) to keep on file as it gets updated. Always look to make sure your pets food is not on the list. If you sign up on my blog page to the bottom left, You will get an email when I post a blog on any pet related subject. It could be on dogs or cats or any other pet you may have. So go now and sign up. You will be happy you did. It could save your pets life.
It is so frustrating and should not be happening as often as it does these days. I have such a love for animals and I really hate to read these terrible stories of pet deaths and dog and cats being rushed to the veterinarian.
I would highly suggest you also buy AMERICAN made products and not take the chance of this happening. That is what I have decided to do. Make sure you look at the labels on all the pet products you buy and make it a conscious decision not to buy pet food or pet products made in China.