Love and Kisses Pet Sitting had a fresh look and updated their business logo. so many of our clients and fan on Facebook said the loved the new look of it. So we decide to run a contest to name the dog in out Logo. It was so much fun reading all the names that you all sent in and I want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to enter.
Here is what we had posted on our facebook page for the contest.
Contest time!!! Let’s name the LOGO DOG!!! Look at the LOGO for Love and Kisses Pet sitting and name the dog…We will announce the dog’s name and the winner at the end of the week. Post the name you think we should name the LOGO DOG below!!
We had such a great response.
Thank you to everyone who entered. Below is the video of the owner of Love and Kisses Pet Sitting, Maureen McCarthy and one of her dogs Molly, pulling the winner’s name.
Be sure to click here to LIKE our FACEBOOK page so you can join us for more fun and contests that we have. Again, thank you to all who enter and played along with us. We also post pet food recalls and other important information regarding your pets health and safety. It is a great place to see the pictures we post of some of the pet we care for.
If you or anyone you know needs a pet sitter or dog walker, remember to give them our information and you could get a FREE pet sit or dog walk for your pets. Feel free to SHARE this page with all your friends on social media. We look forward to meeting them and their pets. Love and Kisses Pet Sitting is your #1 pet sitting company in Union County!!