Making Your Home A Dog-Friendly Zone
Your life can easily revolve around your dog, from how long you can leave them alone to making changes to your home to suit them. 44% of Americans have a pet dog and 41% of those have more than just the one dog. That’s a lot of dogs running around, shedding fur in people’s houses. Here are some adaptations to consider to make your home safe and comfortable for your dog, but also to help you keep it clean and presentable.
Dog-friendly flooring
All too often dog owners have to replace their flooring because the pup chewed on it or scratched it up. Dogs like to run around, and their claws can easily scratch floors, so a hardwood, scratch-resistant floor is best. Tiles are scratch resistant and are ideal for kitchens and bathrooms. They’re also easy to clean and your dog will appreciate somewhere cool to lay on hot days. If you do opt for a carpet avoid ones that have loops as dogs will enjoy getting their claws and teeth into the loops and pulling them apart. Make sure you have a good vacuum too as dog hair will cling to carpets and can result in allergy problems for both pets and pet parents.
Keeping your home warm
Some methods of heating your home aren’t compatible with dogs running around. Dogs like to be warm and will be drawn to sitting close to the heat source, so it’s important that it’s safe for them to be rolling around nearby. An open fire is obviously a dangerous choice, even with a fireguard, as playful dogs are very good at running into things. A wall mounted fireplace is ideal for a dog-friendly home as they are safe, with no smoke or embers coming off them. This means there’s no chance of burns, smoke inhalation or fires, keeping you and your pet safe.
Look out for poisonous plants
Many people like to have decorative plants to make their house feel lived in, but some plants are dangerous for dogs. Mistletoe is common around Christmas and can cause abdominal pain, breathing difficulties, diarrhea, a slowed heart rate and even cardiovascular collapse if consumed by your dog. Daffodils can cause similar symptoms, along with a serious drop in blood pressure. The whole plant is poisonous to dogs, and the bulb is particularly potent. Tulip plants, and again bulbs, can cause drooling, nausea, and irritation. It’s best to keep household plants out of reach for dogs and get to know what you should avoid in your garden.
There are many things to consider in your home when it comes to making it dog-friendly. You’ll notice a lot of little changes that can be made once your dog has settled into your home, like getting a box just for toys to avoid tripping over them and having a towel by the door to dry them on rainy days after going into the garden or out for walks. Some changes can be small, and some will require more thought and effort to keep your pet safe.