Everything You Should Know About the Meowing and Yowling of Your Cat

We all know that cats meow and yowl all day long. Most of us think that all they say is nonsense, gibberish, or that they simply want our attention – in some cases, we’re completely right! 


However, the meowing and yowling of your cat can mean much more than just asking for food or attention. In some extreme cases, desperate yowls may signal an episode of anxiety or depression, which may require your immediate attention.


To help you better prepare for a late-night session of intensive meowing, here’s everything you should know about the language of our dear feline friends!


Why do They Meow?


Naturally, in order to understand the meowing of our pets, we must figure out why they do it!


  • Greeting – believe it or not, your cat meowing when you come home means that he/she is greeting you, not that they need food.
  • Asking for attention – obviously, cats love to socialize – believe it or not – and will often ask for pats, hugs, and cuddles via a meow or yowl.
  • Requesting food – naturally, the most basic and common meow is either the hungry one or the one that’s simply asking for extra food.
  • Asking to be let out or back in – since meowing is their main way of communication, cats will simply stay in front of a door and then proceed to meow, demanding to be let indoors or outdoors.
  • Re-orientation – old cats that suffer from mental confusion can yowl or meow when and if they get disoriented. For example, cats do suffer from their own version of Alzheimer’s Disease and will start meowing, asking for your help if they forget something.


What to Do When They Meow?


The above-mentioned are the most common explanations as to why cats meow and yowl. As such, when they do so, all you need to do is apply one of the above and see if they stop meowing.


If they don’t stop, something more serious may be happening. For example, irregular or damaged bowel movements may cause both cats and dogs to meow, signaling a health problem.


Furthermore, pet anxiety and depression may also cause some severe yowls that won’t stop that easily and may go late into the night. In such cases, you should take your cat to the vet and even consider CBD for pets as a supplement to their diet, as it stimulates appetite and manages anxiety as well. 


The Bottom Line


In short, the meowing and yowling of your cat can easily be fixed if you do the right thing. However, if it goes on, then the veterinarian will surely know how to deal with such an issue.


There may be cases when cats yowl asking for a more diverse diet – or simply because they’d like dry food available to them at all times. If you think this may be the issue, you should contact the veterinarian before making any changes to your cat’s diet – as well as before giving him/her any supplements.


Overall, a meow or a yowl shouldn’t be a sign of anything serious if you can take care of it promptly. If you know your cat well, you’ll be able to tell the usual meows and yowls from the desperate ones and, as such, always be there and available for the wellbeing of your feline friend!



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