My clients often call me and ask me this question, so I decided to answer it here for all to see……………
Does my pet sitter get 100% of the tip that I leave for her?
Yes, 100% of the tip you leave goes to your pet sitter and this is how you can get it to them.
All you have to do is leave it on the counter with their name on the envelope.
It is not insulting, and you would be surprised at how much happiness it brings to your pet sitter. They feel appreciated by you, the client.
Do no be surprised if they leave you a thank you note for leaving it. They work very hard, at all hours of the day, week, weekends and holidays. Instead of being home with their own families. They even go out on Christmas morning before their own family wake up.
That is what pet sitters do. They are out at all hours, making sure that all fur kids are properly taken care of and we follow all of our customers requests to the T. Some of the things that our staff goes above and beyond to do besides caring for your pet is>>>
-They water your plants
-Bring in your mail
-Put your garbage pales in and bring them back in
-Send you a text message with a picture of your pet
-make sure your home is secure
-make sure your pet is doing well while your away
-If your pet is sick they will even cook up some rice for the pets belly or give a spoonful of pumpkin to soothe the belly.
So YES you may leave your pet sitter a tip. I know they will greatly appreciate it and 100% of the tip goes to them. Trust me it will make their day to see how much they are appreciated. With the Holidays coming it is often a very nice gesture to leave your pet sitter a tip after all, they work hard on the all the times but, they take the time away from their family to do what they love and that is caring for your pet while you are out of town.
While pet sitters appreciate a tip it isn’t absolutely necessary. Pet sitters care for your pets with a great deal of love, and frequently go “above and beyond” the call of duty. If you were provided with great service feel free to tip your sitter.
Dog walking, pet sitting, Cat sitting, Weddington NC, Waxhaw, Wesley Chapel NC, Indian Trail NC, Stallings NC, Mineral Springs NC, Monroe NC